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The Wonder of Anime

Dec 3, 2019

Jason Hugg is the man behind the lens, behind the words, and well everything on Reading Magazine. Recently his first documentary, Moonlight Massacre Film Premiere, was featured in the Reading Film Fest. Jason and I sat down to discuss the documentary, but ended up uncovering his journey to starting Reading Magazine and...

Nov 21, 2019

The one thing I love the most about David Nazario is that he is always true to himself. And in being true to himself, his feelings, and his journeys, he’s taught me (and countless others) to do the same. So it’s no coincidence that whenever he comes on the podcast, it’s not just an interview; it’s always a...

Nov 9, 2019

I’m so excited to be bringing you this amazing interview with animation and video game voice actress, Xanthe Huynh! You may recognize her from her work on K-ON!, Sword Art Online: Alternative Gun Gale Online, Persona 5, and that’s just scratching the surface. Thanks to the great people over at Anime USA, I was able...

Nov 5, 2019

Tyler Washington recently did the thing they tell you not to do. He quit his “9-5 job” to freelance and work on his passions full-time. I had invited him on the show a few months ago, before he made his step in his journey, but the timing of when he came on couldn’t have been more perfect. Tyler and I had such an...

Oct 23, 2019

This episode it’s just ME! Listen in as I give you an entire life update, what projects I’m working on, self care, and a little Q&A! Listen now! Follow me:...